- 04 März 2018
Süßes aus der Natur.
We are producing high end dates chocolate based on the best dates and cocoa.
Saeda Abualhawa studied nutrition and food technology which helped us making the best recipe to combine between delicious taste and high nutritional values.
Our products are:
– Bio
– Vegan
– Ohne Zuckerzusatz
– Glutenfrei
– Laktosefrei
– Ohne Konservierungsstoffe
Our goal is to offer people from all ages the best healthy delicious alternative for sweets and candies.
Offering the community, a delicious sweet snack that is also healthy and full of natural goodness makes us proud of what we do, day after day.
Odilia products are now available to customers not only in our specialty shop, but also through reputable chocolate dealers across Germany.